Cales - Calvi Risorta (Caserta)


2015 - 2018


- Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Caserta e Benevento

- Prof. M. Di Filippo (geophysical prospecting)


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The repeated excavations carried out on the site of the ancient Cales (present day Calvi Vecchia) have yielded traces of pottery workshops dated from the Hellenistic period to the Late Antiquity, both from  inside and outside the urban area.

The name of Cales is primarily linked to the production of black gloss pottery, widely exported even beyond the Italic peninsula and in several sites in the Western Mediterranean, and studied by W. Johannowsky, J.-P. Morel and L. Pedroni.

Among the investigated contexts, the workshop in Pezzasecca, active from the end of the Republican to the first Imperial periods, produced different types of ceramic classes: black gloss pottery, Italic Sigillata, lamps, thin-walled ware, household ware, transport amphorae, building earthenware.

The other contexts under investigation are  Ponte delle Monache, the area to the North-East of the Theater and Castellum Aquae, where also geophysical prospecting have been carried out, as well as Località Capitolo.



Schematic map of Cales with the positioning of the archaeological areas (Pedroni, "Ceramica calena a vernice nera. Produzione e distribuzione", 2001, p. 49).


Some examples of black gloss ware from Cales that have been analyzed during the project (Olcese, Iliopoulos, Giunta in Olcese (ed.), "Immensa Aequora Workshop", 2013, pp. 62-64).


Some examples of Italic Sigillata ware from Cales that have been analyzed during the project (Olcese, Iliopoulos, Giunta in Olcese (ed.), "Immensa Aequora Workshop", 2013, pp. 64-65).


Some examples of amphorae from Cales that have been analyzed during the project (Olcese, Iliopoulos, Giunta in Olcese (ed.), "Immensa Aequora Workshop", 2013, p. 67).